Historical Options Prices
We carry end of day historical option prices history for all U.S. Equity options including stocks, Indexes and ETFs. Our bulk history begins in 2002, and SPX data in 1990. Our end of day data includes the last price, bid, ask, volume and open interest. We can provide you with split and dividend adjusted stock history on optionable stocks, ETFs and Indices.
Our most frequently purchased products are the CSV formatted historical data and end of day subscriptions.
Data Catalog
There is a lot to explore. Here is what we recommend. First, download the sample files from our samples page and then take a look at the structures page which provides all details of column structures.
Sample FilesĀ
File Structures
Next, order a sample of one symbol. Our most popular single symbol is SPX. One month of SPX data is only $3.85. Single symbols do not include the OHLC of the stock, or the option stats file.
Single Symbols
Symbol List